Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Site Maintenance and Speed Optimizations

Lately, you have probably noticed that we have not posted much content on the website. Ever since we had an attack on the site a couple of months ago (where our site was down for a day), I have been planning on upgrading the server infrastructure in order for us to be able to handle much more traffic and potential attacks. So after I got back from New York, I decided to make all the necessary changes, since we are planning to post a lot of great content very soon and I wanted the site to be able to handle it all. As of today, most of the work is complete and we can now finally get back to work! If you have been browsing the website today, you have probably noticed drastic changes to the overall speed and responsiveness of the site. I am happy to report that we are now running the site on a pretty beefy setup that should be able to handle quite a bit of traffic going forward.

At this point, we need your help! If you notice any performance-related issues or see any errors / problems, please let us know as soon as possible in the comments section below, so that we can take a look at what’s going on. And if you are happy with what you see, please do let us know as well – your feedback is always appreciated!

We will be posting some interviews from the expo at Photo Plus New York and I will start working on a few overdue reviews. Quite a bit of gear will be in my hands very soon and I would like to get some older stuff out of the way to make room for the new and exciting.

More to come!

The post Site Maintenance and Speed Optimizations appeared first on Photography Life.

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