Saturday, February 20, 2016

Weekly Photography Challenge – The Dinner Table

Photos of food, when done well, serve to make the viewer hungry or at the very least make the food in the photo look appetizing. Often food is photographed right at the table.

Stéphanie Kilgast

By Stéphanie Kilgast

Laura Thorne

By Laura Thorne

Weekly Photography Challenge – The Dinner Table

Your goal for the photography challenge this week is to photograph some food. It could be your meal, or like this image of mine I shared previously, someone else’s that looked appealing.

This is actually my photo taken of someone else's sandwich in Trinidad, Cuba. It just looked so amazing!

This is actually my photo taken of someone else’s sandwich in Trinidad, Cuba. It just looked so amazing!

Interpret the theme – the dinner table – however you want. It could be even just the table and place setting, maybe a candle or two, or an entire spread of food. Include people eating and enjoying the food, or for scale and perspective. Get close up on one item, or shoot the whole plate. The choice is yours.


By gwaar

Dan Foy

By Dan Foy

Robert S. Donovan

By Robert S. Donovan

Scott Norris

By Scott Norris

Stacy Spensley

By Stacy Spensley

Ari Helminen

By Ari Helminen

Equipe Integrada

By Equipe Integrada

Share your images below:

Simply upload your shot into the comment field (look for the little camera icon in the Disqus comments section) and they’ll get embedded for us all to see or if you’d prefer upload them to your favourite photo sharing site and leave the link to them. Show me your best images in this week’s challenge. Sometimes it takes a while for an image to appear so be patient and try not to post the same image twice.

The post Weekly Photography Challenge – The Dinner Table by Darlene Hildebrandt appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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